Friday, December 27, 2019
What Is Source Code in Computer Programming
Source code is the list of human-readable instructions that a programmer writesâ€â€often in a word processing programâ€â€when he is developing a program. The source code is run through a compiler to turn it into machine code, also called object code, that a computer can understand and execute. Object code consists primarily of 1s and 0s, so it isnt human-readable. Source Code Example Source code and object code are the before and after states of a computer program that is compiled. Programming languages that compile their code include C, C, Delphi, Swift, Fortran, Haskell, Pascal and many others. Here is an example of C language source code: /* Hello World program */#includestdio.hmain(){printf(Hello World)} You dont have to be a computer programmer to tell that this code has something to do with printing Hello World. Of course, most source code is much more complex than this example. It is not unusual for software programs to have millions of lines of code. Windows 10 operating system is reported to have about 50 million lines of code. Source Code Licensing Source code can be either proprietary or open. Many companies closely guard their source code. Users can use the compiled code, but they cannot see or modify it. Microsoft Office is an example of proprietary source code. Other companies post their code on the internet where it is free to anyone to download. Apache OpenOffice is an example of open source software code. Interpreted Program Languages Code Some programming languages such as JavaScript are not compiled into machine code but are interpreted instead. In these cases, the distinction between source code and object code does not apply because there is only one code. That single code is the source code, and it can be read and copied. In some cases, developers of this code may intentionally encrypt it to prevent viewing. Programming languages that are interpreted include Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Postscript, VBScript and many others.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
My Arranged Marriage And Tradition - 1697 Words
My arranged marriage to tradition On the 24th of September, I will celebrate my 18th birthday. On the 23rd of September, I will celebrate my two month wedding anniversary. The wedding was set at the breathtaking Queens Museum, in Queens, New York. The stars of the wedding, my second cousin, Pami, and her fiancà ©, Ryan, eagerly welcomed my immediate family as we walked through the doors of the monumental realm of history. A sense of security and peace fell upon me as I took my place in the second row, directly behind several images of â€Å"Lolo†Hectorâ€â€Pami’s father, and her mother, â€Å"Ate†Evelyn. As the ceremony began, I felt a strange sensation, as if all eyes in the room had fallen upon me. I dismissed it as paranoia, seeing as how I was positioned directly across from the center of attention. Little did I know that my paranoia was warranted, as later that evening, I would find myself on that very stage, being thrust into an arranged marriage to a long and rich family tradition. T his tradition would completely alter the complex dynamic of my family, redefine the expectations and standards I am held to, and ultimately, determine my plans for the future. For some Asian families, such as mine, traditions, culture, and ideals are absolute. Specific to my Filipino heritage stems a unique and perplexing kinship. The relationship between one another is identified through various words in Tagalogâ€â€the native language of the Philippines, rather than the kinship commonly used in the UnitedShow MoreRelatedArranged Marriage : A Choice Essay1161 Words  | 5 PagesComposition 09 April, 2015 Arranged Marriage: A Choice We have always been told to take the path take that will guide us to a better future. We have been asked numerous questions about what are majors will be in college, at what age do we see ourselves settled down and married. I too have been asked, but not the reaction I had expected. This conversation came up when I was talking to a group of friends where I had been asked if I would agree to an arranged marriage, due to my ethnicity. Just as I hadRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Arranged Marriage1347 Words  | 6 PagesArranged Marriages â€Å"I didnt want to disappear into a forced marriage. I wanted my freedom†-Sabatina James. One of today’s societal norms is having the choice to marry who you desire. The long-age tradition of having arranged marriages in other countries and even in cultures in America today, arranged marriages have different meanings and circumstances. Some countries like China and India have modernized their tradition of arranging marriages, while other countries still use arranged marriagesRead MoreArranged Marriage : A Type Of Marriage1216 Words  | 5 PagesThe definition of an Arranged Marriage is; a type of marriage that is established before a lengthy relationship. To make the definition more clear, it is the opposite of a love marriage. 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Yet in the 2012 survey conducted in India by the NDTV, an independent TV channel, as many as 74% of respondents spoke in favor of arranged marriage. Also India is known to have one of the lowest divorce rates in the world. This evidence suggests that the matter is more complex than it may seem at first glance and I will be looking at some of the advan tages of arranged marriage and reasons why, to this day, this ancient tradition is stillRead MoreAre Arranged Marriages and Forced Marriages Unethical1550 Words  | 7 PagesAre Arranged Marriages and Forced Marriages Unethical? Would you consider having your marriage forced or arranged to a person you never met or seen before? Most probably no, but this is happening to many young females and males all over the world. Arranged and forced marriages have been a heated debate in certain cultures, justifying whether it is good or bad it’s hard to judge. There have however also been many changes to these traditions in contemporary society, regarding culture clashing. ResearchingRead MoreFamily Marriage Dynamics : From Personal Observation1617 Words  | 7 PagesFamily Marriage Dynamics: From Personal Observation Introduction Marriage is an important institution that involves the union of people who are committed to establish a family. Due to the significance of marriage in many societies, it is considered a cultural issue that is affected by factors such as parental influence, religion, education background, occupation and even socioeconomic status. In many societies across the world, marriage has been partly arranged by parents based on familial considerations
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The escape from kraznir Essay Example For Students
The escape from kraznir Essay Touchfire went round the guard and made himself invisible. Powerfully he strangled the guard. Then calypso the warrior, little john and ambas came along. Calypso then fiercely stabbed the guard in his back. After that ambas got some food and gave it to the guard dogs to distract them. Then they passed by the dogs safely ambas then got his stones and threw it at the guards head, Witch made the guard drowsy an dizzy, little Jon got his axe out and with a deep breath he lifted his axe and dropped it on the guards head. This then made it easy for them to escape. But what they didnt know is that after they had escaped there were spiders, wargs and the orcs that they had to defeat then little Jon the dwarf chopped one of the spiders legs off he then aimed for its head which he managed to target. The first spider was dead but he started to get a little bit worried there was yet another spider he decided to get his dagger out to stab it then he got extremely angry when he found out there was a third spider. Then with all his might he stabbed the spider through the stomach. Then touch fire the wizard had to face the wargs. He got out his fire balls and with all his power he threw the ball at one of the wargs as soon as he threw the ball the warg lay dead on the floor. He had three more to defeat he turned the second warg into stone. And then he had two more left he got his fire ball and fiercely he chucked at the third warg and then he made the forth turn into stone. Then all there was left was the orcs all of them had to defeat the orcs ambas the troll got his long rope out immediately and hit the orc really hard and vicious. In less then a second the orc was lying dead on the floor. Then touch fire turned one of the orcs into stone at last there was one more orc left then calypso got her sword out and very fiercely stabbed the orc. Then they kept on travelling and saw a small boat. The boat only carries four people or the weight of four people. Then they got one bag of food and the chest and ambas and calypso then they went back with the boat and got little Jon and touch fire. Then they kept on travelling for a long while then they finally reached the stony desert then there was dragons margroths and balrogs. The only thing that calms dragons down is wizards so touch fire got his fire balls out and threw it at the dragon the dragon immediately calmed down while the dragon was calmed down calypso got her sword and very angrily she stabbed the dragon. Then there was the margatroths and the balrogs the only thing that margatroths cant see is the dwarfs. So little Jon the dwarf got his axe out obviously the margatroth cant see the dwarf so little Jon went behind the margatroths back. And stabbed it in the neck very viciously the margatroth was now dead there was only the balrogs. Then touch fire got some drinking water and very carefully chucked it at the balrog. Then they reached the forest of haag all there food is gone they have suffering injuries there was one more thing left. Nehemath he was an evil magician if anyone tries to pass through the forest he becomes very angry. .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .postImageUrl , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:hover , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:visited , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:active { border:0!important; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:active , .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u76e0af6f09bec031db2b184edacaacef:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Summary of My Life EssayInfact Nehemaths powers are much stronger then touch fires. So in that case they had to put all there powers together to defeat him there he was standing there in the forest of haag. So they done what they said they put all there powers together and cursed it on Nehemath it very strange he was still alive but all his powers were gone then calypso and ambas got there weapons out and very fiercely stabbed Nehemath then finally they all reach the river glen and they have all survived and finally they go back from were they live.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Out of the Furnace free essay sample
An analysis of women as portrayed in the novel Out of this Furnace by Thomas Bell and their treatment as immigrants. This paper discusses the conditions of how immigrant women were treated when they came to America. This is done by examining the book Out of the Furnace. Through the trials of the Kracha family, characters in the novel, one almost experiences the hardships these women went through. When the struggles and early tragedies of the industrial revolution are discussed, most often we hear of the endless work days, unsafe conditions and corruption within the corporations. In Thomas Bells Out of This Furnace, the reader is exposed to all of these horrors and more. Yet what is so different about Bells version of the early days of steel mills and railroad monopolys is his inclusion of female characters. While they are not the main focus of his novel, women are ever present characters, and Bell succeeded in displaying how the poverty of the industrial age affected women and their day to day life, as well as the lives of their husbands. We will write a custom essay sample on Out of the Furnace or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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